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SEN and Disability Support

As soon as a family join Buttsbury Pre-School, we encourage you to discuss SEND support needs with either the key person, manager and/or the SENCO at the earliest opportunity. Alternatively, we may also identify children with special educational needs through observation and children’s assessments, using the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) as a guide. Our staff are fully trained and able to identify where children may need some support. These observations allow the key person to assess and plan for the individual child and then analyse, and use what you have found out about the child so that we can plan for the next steps in their learning. 


The trained SENCO and the manager will oversee the education of any children with SEND and ensure our inclusion policy is adhered to. A key person will be assigned to the child and carry out the day-to-day care of the child as well as support the learning and development of the child. They will be working with the child on a daily basis and feedback any observations or behaviours throughout the day. A secondary key person will also be allocated in the event of the primary person being on annual leave or off sick for any reason.


We not only have a SEND policy in place but we work to the requirements of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2015) to ensure both children and their caregivers are supported both at home and in the pre-school environment. Our team have good connections with the Early Years team who can provide advice and guidance to the setting and parents. We will do our best to cater for all special educational needs, seeking appropriate training for staff, to enable them to meet your child’s needs. 


Below are just some of the ways we support children with SEND support:


Starting from September 2022, our entire staff team has completed Level One Makaton training. We implement basic Makaton signing, symbols, and visual aids in our daily interactions with all children. At our register and Circle Time, our staff members showcase the Sign of The Week and motivate children to give it a go.

Access to Essex Local Offer

Under the Children and Families Act 2014 each Local Authority was required to publish a Local Offer detailing what provision and services were available in their area for children and young people with SEND by the 1st September 2014. The Local Offer is a living and organic resource that will be developed over time with the assistance of our partners, parents and young people. The Local Offer will:


  • Give you information about education, health and care services

  • Give you information about leisure activities and support groups

  • Hold all the information in one place

  • Be clear, comprehensive and accessible

  • Make service provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations

  • Be developed and reviewed with the service providers and service users


Who is it for?


The Local Offer is for:


  • Children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)

  • Children and young people from birth to 25 years

  • Their parents and carers

  • Practitioners and professionals


For further information, please visit

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Buttsbury Pre-School

Perry Street,


CM12 0NX

Open Monday to Friday

8:30am to 3:30pm

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01277 631816

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